Thursday, January 13, 2011

Sunny Bob

On our MPHS Yahoo page at

is where MPHS 65-66-67 Alums share old high school memories.  You can join the site as explained in the left column.

Mr. Beirne who taught English at the main building was recently discussed. He was pretty funny with a wicked wit. I had one humorous memory of Mr. Bierne.

I shared the one story I could remember about Mr. Bierne in freshman English. Sunny Bob Stevenson (aka Robert Louis Stevenson) (Jan 66) and a number of us were writing on the blackboard. Bob ran out of blackboard so he did what seemed logical to his 14 year old mind - he continued writing on the adjacent door. Bob was quite proud of his creativity and initiative.

Mr. Bierne noticed this activity and said something like, "well, my happy little half wit, what are you doing? Which the rest of the class enjoyed immensely. 

I used the "happy little half wit" appellation on Bob for many years afterwards, and now, thanks to being reminded, will encourage all of us to se it on him when we see him at the reunion. I am sure he will thank me for remembering.

I just wanted to share this touching memory with the rest of our group.It is important to preserve these treasured memories lest we forget. It is also partly in punishment for Bob not having told us yet whether he is coming to the reunion. 

The rest of you procrastinators, beware. I have stories on you also, or, if I can't remember one, will make something up. So decide soon, and let us know.

Mr. Bierne made us read "Great Expectations" which I hated. I just reread it for some strange reason, and it was much better the second time around.

Re: [EmpehiReunion] Re: Veenie..Mr/ Beirne.......

This is just too funny and I can almost hear Mr. Bierne making this statement.

He had a wonderful wit!

Sue Engle B